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Sarah Krisher is a fourth year graduating in May 2014 from Bioengineering with the chemical option and a certificate in Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (it’s a lot of words for one certificate, but it’s a real thing we promise)!

Outside of WEPO and all of the other organizations she is passionate about through Penn State, Sarah loves traveling to different places either within the US or where she has been lucky enough to go abroad because she thinks it is so cool to experience other cultures.  She especially loves trying all the different kinds of food since you could say food can be considered another passion of hers.  She is convinced after returning from France last summer she has turned into a banana and Nutella crêpe, and she will never say no if you offer her anything you’re eating.

Something else she loves is swimming.  She competitively swam for 7 years, and will REALLY miss the kids she has gotten to coach over the past two years back at home since sadly she has to be a “real person” now and move on to other opportunities.  She tries to do land sports and activities but like her coach always told her: “we aren’t coordinated on land, that’s why we swim,” and this is proven by the amount of times she will trip on the way to class weekly.

Other things you will get to know about Sarah are she loves Grey’s Anatomy and is guaranteed to cry during every episode, Chipotle burritos are the way to her heart,….and if you want to know more you should go up and talk to her during WEPO 2013! ☺

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