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Jenna Labant

Junior in Industrial Engineering


What high school did you attend?

Elk County Catholic High School


What activities (clubs) are you involved in outside of WEPO?

CHAARG - exec team, SWE


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

Continuous Improvement Engineering Intern - Contact Technologies Incorporated, Process Manufacturing Engineering Intern - Amphenol Thermometrics Incorporated


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

It felt like home to me, all the opportunities to try anything I wanted and not be confined by what my major is or what is only available


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

Beating Ohio State my freshmen year and rushing the stadium


What did you wish you knew as a first-year engineer?

That you can both do well in school and have fun, you don't have to sit around to feel productive


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

Math 141


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I shoot trap

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