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Greta Gasswint

Junior in Mechanical Engineering


What high school did you attend?

Pittsburgh CAPA 6-12


What activities (clubs) are you involved in outside of WEPO?

ASME, Battle Bots, Engineering Ambassadors, Vole: Penn State Ballet, SWE


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

Intern at Turbulent Hydro in Santiago, Chile; Supplier Quality intern at Rockwell Automation


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

Penn State chose me, aka I didn't get in anywhere else. But also I wanted to be able to study engineering and continue with dance, and there are only so many places that will let that happen.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

Performing at THON in '17 and '18. THON as a whole has changed me so much, but nothing beats the thrill of the 3 a.m. crowd during the best weekend of the year!


What did you wish you knew as a first-year engineer?

That it was okay to fail and make mistakes. It's not the mistakes that define you, its how you grow out of them!


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

Math 141


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I went sand boarding (like snow boarding but on sand dunes) while in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

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