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Julia Sternberg 

Senior in Mechanical Engineering


What high school did you attend?

Central Dauphin High School


What activities (clubs) are you involved in outside of WEPO?

Club Tennis, CHAARG (fitness club), PSU Fitness/working out, WEP Study Group Facilitator, Chabad


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

Internships with GE Power and Lockheed Martin


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

Penn State had/has a wonderful Mechanical Engineering program that I new I wanted to tackle! Also, Penn State's alumni network is beyond incredible and will be very beneficial in the years to come.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

Witnessing Penn State football beat Ohio State in 2016...such a magical night that I will never forget!


What did you wish you knew as a first-year engineer?

I wish I knew that being stuck on homework problems is okay and that homework sets are usually much more difficult than the exams are itself (in my opinion) :)


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

Math 141


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I am a twin and we were Christmas babies :)

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