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Name: Rachel Coyle


Hometown: Pottsville, PA


High School: Pottsville Area High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: SSAE, SWE and a THON Finance Committee


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? I have wanted to attend Penn State since I was very young. My uncle took me to my first PSU football game when I was in first grade, and I have been hooked ever since. It worked out in my favor that a very limited number of schools in PA offered architectural engineering, and Penn State happened to be one. It was a no brainer from there.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory? My best Penn State Memory is the 2015 Stripe-Out football game versus Rutgers. There was an indescribable atmosphere in Beaver Stadium that night, especially when the fireworks went off for the first time as the team ran out of the tunnel. A sense of pride washed over me as I looked around the stadium and realized what an amazing community I am a part of. Winning that game made the night that much better. I highly recommend attending at least one White-Out or Stripe-Out during your time at PSU.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? Do NOT be afraid to miss home. There may be a time when you feel like you are the only person on campus that misses your family, but everyone goes through this even if they do not show it. You are not alone!


What is a fun fact about yourself? I love all things Disney, especially Disney World!



 Rachel is a sophomore studying Architectural Engineering



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