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Name: Morgan Flynn


Hometown: Coatesville, PA


High School: Coatesville Area High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: Sorority- Delta Gamma, The Student Society of Architectural Engineers, Penn State Cru/Bible Study, Intramural Soccer


Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad Experience: For the summer of 2016 I am interning at Wohlsen Construction Company as a project engineer intern.


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? Penn State is known to have one of the top engineering programs in the country, so that influenced my decision quite a bit. Also, WEPO/WEP was a huge contributing factor to my decision. In addition, I went to a large, spirited high school, therefore I wanted those same qualities in the college I was going to attend. Penn State is without a doubt one of the most school spirited colleges in the country! WE ARE!


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory? So far, my best Penn State memory is receiving a phone call during a class and finding out that I received the internship I wanted; I literally jumped for joy in class.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? Be yourself. Don't stray from who you are, your morals, and your personality. Penn State is such a large school, and conforming to fit in with others can be tempting. Stay true to yourself, study hard, and have fun. If those three rules are followed, your time at Penn State will be the best four years ever.


What is a fun fact about yourself? I am deathly afraid of hermit crabs.



Morgan is a junior studying Architectural Engineering


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