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Megan Barr is in her fifth year, and will be graduating in December 2013 from Industrial Engineering with minors in Spanish and Product Realization.

         Making others laugh and laughing at her own jokes are her favorite past-times. She doesn’t get embarrassed very easily, and doesn’t mind making a fool of herself in most situations. Her face sometimes says otherwise, as it turns red very easily and this confuses her and she doesn’t ever feel embarrassed when it happens. She got called out for it a lot during her last summer job, in which case she actually became embarrassed.

         Megan is super ticklish and being tickled to the point where she can’t breathe is her biggest fear, next to other normal things like sharks and snakes.
Her favorite food is buttered toast and she can eat it all day, every day. She hates spicy food but lately has come around and has become slightly obsessed with buffalo sauce as long as it’s drenched in ranch dressing as well.

Studying abroad in Spain has been her most memorable experience in college. Megan has only one regret when it comes to making this decision and that is that she didn’t come back with a Spanish boyfriend and actually had to come back home before she could force one into marrying her.

Megan can’t wait for WEPO and hopes you are all ready for a spirited good time!

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