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Name: Margo Blake


Hometown: West Chester, PA


High School: Avon Grove High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: SWE, THON, Ballroom Dancing, Astronomy, Yoga


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? I chose Penn State because it felt like home the first time I visited. The people here are so friendly and you feel like you are a part of a huge network right off the bat.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory? My best engineering memory was designing my final project in EDesign 100. It was the first time I got to work with a team designing solutions to every day problems, and it gave me a glance at what engineering is like.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? Don't be afraid to reach out to people when you are struggling, especially your mentors or peers. There's a good chance all of us were in your shoes and were struggling with the same issues. Everyone here wants to help you succeed, so take advantage of all your available resources.


What is a fun fact about yourself? My favorite artist is Coldplay, but I prefer their older music.


Margo is a junior studying Chemical Engineering



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