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Name: Madeline Iffert (Success Strategies Lead)


Hometown: Wayne, PA


High School: Villa Maria Academy


Major: Industrial Engineering


What internships have you had: 

GE Transportation, Erie, PA summer 2013 - compliance engineer intern
GE Energy Management, Salem, VA summer 2015 - lean manufacturing engineer intern


What research positions have you held: 

WISER - undergraduate Research assistant for Dr. Michael Janik in his electrochemistry lab at Penn State
Linguistic Codeswitching research with Dr. Paola Dussias - Spanish bilingual research study on the effects of cognates on codeswitching


Have you traveled abroad: Seville, Spain - CIEE Language and Culture program for 2 months, summer 2014.


Fun fact about yourself: I am on the Penn State ballroom dance team.


What advice would you give to a first-year engineering student: Find what makes you happy and don't let other people's opinions get you down. Don't feel trapped in your major - college is a time to explore!

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