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Name: Kaylyn Hannon (Lead Rover)


Hometown: Lewistown, PA


High School: Indian Valley High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: Society of Women Engineers, THON, and Mashavu (not really a club, but it eats up most of my time), and I grade papers for the math department. I also enjoy baking, napping, pinterest, and netflix. And twitter, can't forget about twitter. 


Internship/Co-Op Experience: Material Science Intern at Philips Ultrasound (2013) and on campus research in a material science lab


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? I live really close to campus (like half an hour away) and I was dead set against coming to Penn State. My dad, an alum of the college of engineering, wasn't having any of that, and set up a meeting for me with Cheryl. She told me all about WEPO and the many other things Penn State has to offer for its women engineers and I was sold. Penn State was the second school I visited and I stopped after that. 


What has been your best memory as an engineering student? This summer, I got to spend two and a half weeks in Nyeri, Kenya (about three hours outside of Nairobi) doing research for the Mashavu program. I spent my entire spring semester working on an inkjet printer that can print Urinary Tract Infection test strips--not as easy as it sounds. All that hard work culminated in field work that proved what we did all sememester was worth it. It was so cool to see how engineering can have such a huge impact. Plus, I got to go Africa. How cool is that?!


What has been your best memory as a Penn State student? My absolute favorite memory out of all my time at Penn State is THON weekend 2014. I spent 46 of the most amazing hours of my life on my feet, laughing, crying, dancing, singing, hugging, playing, and doing so many other things. Dancing in THON was the best decision of my life. FTK, always. 


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? If you need help, ask for it. There are so many people who are willing to lend you a helping hand. We've all been there, so you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. 


Give me one fun fact about yourself. My go-to is that before wanting to be an engineer, I wanted to be on broadway, but I use that all the time. How about this: I love television and watched 6 seasons of Parks and Recreation in less than a month this summer (oops).  



Kaylyn is a senior studying Biomedical Engineering.

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