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Name: Katie Ciccaglione (Professional Development Lead)


Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA


High School: Chartiers Valley


Activities Outside of WEPO: SWE, UTREE (Undergraduate Teaching and Research Experiences in Engineering), THON, intramural sports


Internship/Co-Op Experience: Undergraduate Research Assistant in the MNE Department, Drilling Intern at Shell Oil Company (Summer '13), Well Interventions Intern at Shell Oil Company (Summer '14)


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? I chose to come to Penn State because I have always been a Penn Stater! My father went to Penn State and has been bringing me to PSU football games for as long as I can remember. I never pictured myself anywhere else!


What has been your best memory as an engineering student? My best memory as an engineering student was definitely my trip to Shanghai this past summer. I was one of three mechanical engineering students selected to travel to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to teach a technical communication course to mechanical and industrial engineering graduate students. The entire experience was exceptional! It was so fascinating to have a chance to see the city of Shanghai and learn about the Chinese culture.


What has been your best memory as a Penn State student? My best memories as a Penn State student come from THON weekend. I love seeing the entire Penn State Community come together to give the Four Diamonds Families an incredible weekend year after year. I have participated in THON with the Society of Women Engineers, and it is always great to see how happy our two THON families are all throughout the weekend.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? I would tell a first-year engineer not to sweat the small stuff. Yes, classes and grades are very important, but you do not have to get an A on every single assignment. In fact, you don't even have to get an A in every single class. It is good to be able to know what work you have to do, and to balance those things. But it is especially important to not let your school work overwhelm you, and to make sure that you take the time to sit back, relax, and enjoy college every now and then. I assure you, it goes way too fast.


Give me one fun fact about yourself. I have never eaten a fast food hamburger ever in my life.



Katie is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering.




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