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Name: Jacqueline Trautman


Hometown: Reston, VA 


High School: South Lakes High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: SWE, ASME, ANS, Penn State Racing


Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad Experience: Internship at the Air and Space Museum this summer


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? The opportunities and Engineering Program are phenomenal and it has always felt like home to me as both of my parents went to Penn State as well.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory? Winning the "Best Engineered Design"award (for our EDSGN 100 project) at the Engineering Design Showcase at the end of this past year.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? You will have more time then you think you do so do not be afraid to get involved in things, especially SWE and WEP.


What is a fun fact about yourself? I can water-ski and wakeboard



Jackie is a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering



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