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Hey there! My name is Erin your Lead Mentor for WEPO’13!  I have a super amazing team preparing for WEPO this year and I can’t wait to share all their talents with you in August. 

So a little bit more about myself… well I am studying architectural engineering at Penn State and I am heading into my 5th year (which is by design, it’s a 5 year program).  My dad wasn’t thrilled by the idea of helping me pay for a 5th year but somehow I convinced him it’s what I want to do and I’m loving it so far!  This summer I am living in Minneapolis which is in Minnesota (you wouldn’t believe how many people I told who didn’t know what state it was in!)   I’m living near the University of Minnesota’s campus so its full of college kids and very similar to State College which is one of my favorite places.  I am working for an architecture and engineering firm which is pretty cool because 1) I’ve never worked for a company like it 2) its full of awesome people who design amazing things and 3) they are happy to teach me and put up with my endless questions. 

Some other things to know about me are that I love to cook/bake (baking is how I learned to cook) and I’m also fanatical about bread.  Now I know that sounds weird, and you’re saying to yourself, “who is this girl telling me she loves bread…” Well, it all plays back into the fact that food has always been a central part of my childhood and now “growing up” (or whatever it’s called when you magically become  “an adult”)  I’ve learned that there is no substitute for a great meal with friends and of course a delicious loaf of bread to be shared. 

Another passion of mine is making list.  There is nothing like writing down all the crazy things you have to do or want to accomplish and finally being able to scribble it out or cross it off.  But for the purposes of getting to know me I’m going to list a couple things that I think you should know about me. :) 

• Born & raised:  “Outside Philadelphia”, specifically Collegeville, Pa
• Siblings: Kerry (19) & Matt (10) – both wild and crazy and keep me sane in some crazy way
• Favorite Color: Green – but not the olive drab looking greens, I like the bright spring green colors
• High School: Spring-Ford Rams
• Favorite things to do:
o Watch movies
o Walk around campus
o Sit on the beach & read a book
o  Spend time with friends
o Craft – Pinterest could be the death of me if I let it…
• Study Abroad: Rome, Italy – fantastic experience and I miss the food and the way of life the most
• Theme song: 22 by TSwift – because I like it and I’m 22

If you want to know more about me, come and talk to me at WEPO or any time really.  I’d love to get to know you too!


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