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Name: Danielle Roethlein (Spirit Lead)


Hometown: Georgetown, PA


High School: South Side High School


Major: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering


What internships have you had: 

Engineering Intern, Vulcan Oilfield Services
Reservoir Systems Engineering Intern, Noble Energy


Have you traveled abroad: After my internship this summer, I'll be heading to Iceland for a short study abroad right before WEPO! Iceland is a HUGE leader in green energy which is what I'll be researching there. Besides taking classes, I'll be tectonic plate snorkeling, hiking glaciers, and swimming in Iceland's wonderful natural hot springs.


Fun fact about yourself: This year over spring break I went cage diving with sharks in Mexico! It has always been on the TOP of my bucket list, and I am so happy to finally cross it off! ....although it definitely doesn't mean that I won't do it again sometime!


What advice would you give to a first-year engineering student: Be confident. Take every little insecurity that you have and flush it down the drain. Everyone starts college with a clean slate, so no one knows that you think your weakness is chemistry or calculus, and the only way they'll find out is if you let those thoughts control you. I learned the hard way that having negative thoughts will inevitably translate into getting bad grades. You will only be successful if you imagine yourself succeeding, and once you do that, the sky is the limit.

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