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Nicole Dato

Junior in Civil Engineering


What high school did you attend?

Kellenberg Memorial HS


What activities are you involved in outside WEPO?

Concrete Canoe, ASCE, Phi Sigma Rho Sorority, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Marine Science Society, THON committee, adventure recreation, intramural sports, HESE, Econ Learning Assistant, Engineering Undergraduate Council, Blue and White Society


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

Study abroad in China (ENGR 118), interning with NY Town engineering department


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

I chose Penn State because I loved the atmosphere. I had no idea I even wanted to come here until I stepped on campus. But as soon as I did, I was amazed by the school pride, great education, and the endless possibilities.


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

My best Penn State engineering memory was freshman year being chosen as the recipient team for the best design award by Lockheed Martin at the engineering showcase.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer?

Try everything with an open mind. You never know what will interest you.


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

My first year seminar (CE100) was my favorite class as it was when I realized that civil engineering was the right fit for me, and its also when I met my best friend.


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I love to travel. I have been to six of the seven continents (Antartica was not on my bucket list) including 61 countries. My next adventure is off to Iceland.

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