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Rachel Piecknick

Junior in Chemical Engineering


What high school did you attend?

Upper Saint Clair


What activities are you involved in outside WEPO?

Engineering House, Club Tennis, Club Tennis THON


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

Summer 2017: Internship with Intertape Polymer Group (IPG); Summer 2016: Engineering Study Abroad in China


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

Because Penn State is better than Pitt!


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

My favorite memory was learning SolidWorks in EDESIGN and going I'm never going to use this as a chemical engineer. Sure enough, first week of my internship, I'm downloading SolidWorks on my computer.


What advice would you give a first-year engineer?

Sign up for clubs you are interested in, but don't overload yourself!


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

CHEM 110


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I repelled down a castle wall in Scotland.

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