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Kayli Rentzel

Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering & Spanish


What high school did you attend?

Northeastern High School


What activities are you involved in outside WEPO?

A-7 THON organization


What Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad or Research experience have you had?

summer internship with Ingersoll Rand


Why did you choose to come to Penn State?

Honestly it was the only school I applied to. Somehow I just knew it was for me. It felt like home when I came to visit. Plus there are so many opportunities and things to do!


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory?

Experiencing my first THON!


What advice would you give a first-year engineer?

Take advantage of every single study group, review session, etc. that you can until you are 110% sure that you are going to be successful in that class. Nothing is worse than waiting until the last few weeks to learn the material and then being stressed (more than usual) for finals!


What was your favorite class you took as a freshmen?

Smart Lego Robotics


What is a fun fact about yourself?

I have traveled to more countries than U.S. States.

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