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Name: Christina Cianciarulo (Lead Rover)


Hometown: Doylestown, PA


High School: Central Bucks South High School


Activities Outside of WEPO: I'm currently in Engineering Ambassadors and I'm also the Fundraising Chair for my THON special interest organization, FOTO!


Internship/Co-Op/Study Abroad Experience: I've had 2 internships at Phillips 66. My first internship was in mechanical design and my second was in small capital projects.


Why did you choose to come to Penn State? I grew up in a Penn State family and started coming to football games when I was really little! I said from my first visit here that I would come to Penn State for college!


What is your best Penn State or engineering memory? In addition to football games and meeting the most incredible people, I had the opportunity through EA to travel to New York and train with the Fire Department of New York in a communication and leadership course. They led us through the training that real fire fighters go through, including rescuing a firefighter, rescuing people from a subway derailment, search and rescue missions, and learning how to use the fire hose! It was absolutely incredible, and I learned so much about myself and the amazing things the firefighters do on a daily basis. It changed how I think about leadership and communication and I wish I could've spent more than just one day there! 


What advice would you give a first-year engineer? Get out of your comfort zone! Do things that scare you, and you will be amazed at the incredible things you can accomplish. I've made it my mission through college to conquer some of my fears, and the opportunities that this has led to have been so rewarding!


What is a fun fact about yourself? Penn State was the only school I applied to! 



Christina is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering



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